Safety and health

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Safety and health

Our safety philosophy

At ExxonMobil, we believe that it is possible to obtain the energy the world needs while also protecting people and the environment.

The answer lies in three uncompromising pursuits: exceptional technology, rigorous standards and an unwavering commitment to best-practice safety procedures.

We launched a top-to-bottom review of our operations and implemented a system that today guides every operating decision we make daily. That system is called the Operations Integrity Management System, or OIMS.

The OIMS consists of 11 separate elements that measure and mitigate safety, security, health and environmental risk to people, the environment and the communities in which we operate. A fundamental aspect of OIMS is to assess the risk involved in our operations — from offshore platforms to our offices — and then develop plans to mitigate and manage that risk over the operation’s life.

ExxonMobil’s systematic and disciplined approach to safety has produced significant improvements, but we know that there is also risk in complacency. So as we continue to explore for new sources of energy, we will also continue to explore new ways to increase safety. That is our obligation and our commitment.

Key processes and management systems

ExxonMobil seeks to conduct business in a manner compatible with the environmental, social and economic needs of the communities in which we operate.

At the same time, we focus on protecting the safety, security and health of our employees, those involved with our operations, our customers and the public.

Across ExxonMobil’s global operations, we rigorously apply management systems to enable high operational performance. We use these management systems to identify, track and report the metrics that demonstrate and guide our performance. These systems enable us to comply with regulations and, where laws and regulations do not exist, they provide a framework for maintaining our high standards. From the drilling of a well to the delivery of petroleum products, these expectations provide a foundation for managing risk and achieving excellence in each of our business lines.

Operations Integrity Management System

We are committed to conducting business in a manner compatible with the environmental and economic needs of the communities in which we operate that protects the safety, security and health of our employees, those involved with our operations, our customers and the public.


These commitments are documented in our safety, security, health, environmental and product safety policies.

These policies are put into practice through a disciplined management framework called the Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS).

ExxonMobil’s OIMS framework establishes common worldwide expectations for addressing risks inherent in our business. ExxonMobil uses the term “operations integrity” to address all aspects of its business that can impact personnel and process safety, security, health, and environmental performance.

The OIMS framework includes 11 elements. Each element contains an underlying principle and a set of expectations. The OIMS framework also includes the characteristics of, and processes for, evaluating and implementing operations integrity management systems.

ExxonMobil requires the application of the OIMS framework  with a particular emphasis on design, construction and operations. Management is responsible for ensuring that systems satisfying the framework are in place. The scope, priority and pace of management system implementation should be consistent with the risks associated with the business.

ExxonMobil’s OIMS framework establishes common worldwide expectations for addressing risks inherent in its business.

Safety and security

No matter where in the world we work, we are relentless in our pursuit of Nobody Gets Hurt.

At ExxonMobil, our efforts to protect the safety and health of our employees, contractors and communities are fundamental to our long-term business success. As such, we are committed to providing the energy needed to power the world’s progress safely and responsibly. We seek to promote a culture of safety and health by attracting, developing and retaining individuals who share our core values and our commitment to integrity and operational excellence.

At ExxonMobil, safety is more than just a priority — it is a core value and an integral part of our culture that applies to every aspect of our operations. Wherever we are in the world, we are committed to doing the right thing the right way every time so that every employee and contractor comes home from work safe and healthy each day. We will never stop working toward our goal of Nobody Gets Hurt.

Ensuring the security of our people, physical assets and intellectual property is systematically embedded in our daily operations. We regularly assess potential threats to our operations. Our security personnel participate in security-related drills, training and industry forums to enhance our established risk management methodologies, threat-assessment capabilities and technical security applications.

Tsing Yi terminal’s LTI-free year since 1998


Thanks to the resilient commitment of all Tsing Yi terminal workers to run the business through the Operations Integrity Management System, Tsing Yi terminal has recorded zero lost time incident since 1998.

ExxonMobil’s safety philosophy stresses that it is possible to provide the energy the world needs, while also protecting people and the environment. Tsing Yi terminal has demonstrated that this is indeed achievable, and will continue to put every effort into ensuring that Nobody Gets Hurt.

Emergency preparedness and response

ExxonMobil is committed to operational excellence in all aspects, including safety, reliability, security and service delivery.  We have a full range of response and contingency plans in place and are prepared to respond quickly to emergencies should they occur.

  • All ExxonMobil facilities have contingency response plans that we review and update regularly.
  • We conduct periodic drills to test the plans and train our response personnel.
  • We conduct periodic drills with regulatory bodies/officials/personnel to help ensure compliance with applicable requirements.
  • Local emergency responders such as the Fire Services Department's Hazmat unit participate in these training exercises to help us work together to respond to an incident.

Health and wellness

ExxonMobil cares about the health and well-being of its workers and their families.

Our health policy communicates the corporate expectations for identifying and evaluating health risks related to our operations that can potentially affect our employees, contractors or the public. We seek to address the diverse health considerations prevalent in the different locations in which we work by creating effective and efficient solutions that protect our workforce and operations from major health threats. We also provide voluntary health programs to our employees that are designed to promote enhanced well-being and productivity.


ExxonMobil Hong Kong receives Ergonomics Best Practice Award

ExxonMobil Hong Kong was presented with the 2016 Ergonomics Best Practice Award from the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society (HKES) in recognition of its efforts to protect the safety and well-being of employees with practical ergonomics solutions in the workplace.

This recognition reinforces our strong commitment to creating a safe and healthy workplace where Nobody Gets Hurt. Since the implementation of the Office Ergonomic Program at ExxonMobil Hong Kong office in 2009, there have been no recordable lost-time incidents, medical treatment incidents or restricted work incidents related to musculoskeletal disorders in our office.

The HKES Ergonomics Best Practice Award is designed to promote the research and application of ergonomics in Hong Kong and Asia by recognizing companies that adopt practical ergonomics and practitioners who conduct high-quality ergonomics-related projects. ExxonMobil Hong Kong received the award for having demonstrated excellence in the areas of scientific merit, innovation, utility and applicability.

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