ExxonMobil Hong Kong named Caring Company for the 17th consecutive year
This year marks the 17th consecutive year in which ExxonMobil Hong Kong (EMHK) receives the “Caring Company Logo” from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service as a testament to its continued commitment to serving the local community, in particular in areas of community wellbeing, STEM education and youth development, as well as environmental education.
Fernando Vallina, Chairman of ExxonMobil China, echoed with the sentiment, “It is an honor to be recognized as a caring company, particularly during these difficult COVID-19 times. This award reflects our dedication to support the community. This honor belongs mainly to all our volunteers who navigated the challenges posed by the pandemic to help those in need. Let’s keep up the momentum!”
Over the past few years, many of the events have moved online following the social distancing rules. With the COIVD-19 situation in Hong Kong turning the corner in the second half of 2021, we were able to deliver brand new in-person events in partnership with our community and internal partners including a joint Orbis blindfold lunch with our Safety Committee, a joint upcycling workshop with V Cycle and our Hong Kong Women’s Interest Network as well as a joint charity donation event with our Recreation Club. We hope to give back more to the community in the years to come through strategic partnerships.