Learning STEM outside the classroom

Supported by ExxonMobil Hong Kong (EMHK), the annual iSTEAM Program organized by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ended in success on Nov 6. This year, the program not only served the purpose of stimulating students’ interest and motivation in STEM learning through the “Smartbot Arena Workshop”, but also aimed at cultivating an environment for training future STEM professionals, adopting a “train the trainer” approach with the workshop fully designed by the HKUST students with practical skills acquired from the training sessions held earlier.

Followed by the opening speech by Victor Seeto, our Hong Kong Commercial Fuels General Manager, around 80 students from 12 primary and secondary schools were divided into groups to acquire new programming techniques and complete different fun but challenging tasks including fencing game, maze challenge and relay competition with their Micro: bit smart cars under the guidance of the HKUST students.
“Apart from cultivating a passion for learning STEM in students and enabling them to put theory into practice through an interactive and engaging way, the program has also evolved to prepare our university students to be future STEM educators for passing the torch onto the next generation. EMHK will continue our support for the STEM community development through different channels,” said Victor.