Stay hungry and inspired for success

ExxonMobil Hong Kong takes talent development seriously and thus provides various continuous learning and development opportunities to our employees. 

On May 21, our Hong Kong Women’s Interest Network was pleased to have Karen Chan, the Executive Director of German Pool to share with our colleagues how she managed to ride out of the storm as a female business leader and entrepreneur as well as a mother over the past years. Karen highlighted that respecting differences and showing empathy to others as well as staying open-minded about innovative ideas are vital for being a respectable and cheerful leader. 

Also, with an aim to enhance young talents’ presentation skills, each newcomer is given an opportunity to conduct a Biz & Trending Chat, bringing new ideas and insights to other colleagues. On May 28, Kinson Tung and Michael Tang from Hong Kong Retail team, analyzed the latest trends and developments in the area of online shopping with comprehensive data in a very interactive and interesting way. Participating colleagues enjoyed the sharing and learnt that we all need a constant thirst for new knowledge to keep abreast with the advancement of the world.
