Preparing students for the future

On April 12, 2018, ExxonMobil Hong Kong held a job shadow day for a group of Form 4 and 5 students from four local secondary schools: St. Francis Xavier’s College, The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Logos Academy, Hong Kong Tang King Po College and St. Mark’s School. This program was co-organized with the Education Bureau under its Work Experience Movement Business-School Partnership Program, which aims to promote a closer alliance between the business sector and schools. ExxonMobil Hong Kong has supported this program since 2013.

The students experienced a typical day in our Supply Operations, Retail Sales, Commercial Vehicle Sales, Commercial Sales, Human Resources or Public and Government Affairs departments. The mentors were very surprised by the students’ enthusiasm.

As a multinational business, ExxonMobil is uniquely positioned to provide the students with a multicultural environment. During the event, they had the chance to not only learn from ExxonMobil colleagues based in Hong Kong, but also to interact with a few visiting colleagues from overseas, giving them a cross-cultural prospective that is vital for working in Hong Kong in the future.
